【國防部】e台灣訓練戰規則/eTaiwan Training War Rule

Day 5,863, 20:26 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by EROC MOD



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中文版/Chinese version

各位國民好,鑒於我國訓練戰數量不斷增加,為維護國內玩家使用訓練戰之權益,故於Day 5,862由現任內閣各首長召開內閣會議,針對對內/對外訓練戰規則進行討論,並訂定以下對內與對外規則,保障國內玩家能夠有戰場可以輸出。







總統 PteroMaple
首相 gugufish
國防部長 Buyao531
副國防部長 ROCAndyLau
外交部長 Ena Mizukami
央行總裁 fdn999
教育部長 Laplus Darknesss

Day 5,863 (2023年12月10日)


English version:

Dear friends and allies,

The government of eTaiwan passed a regulation on our training wars. Please follow the rule when you're farming in our battlefield.

Article 1. T30 (other players) - First 30 minutes in Taiwan side is for Taiwanese players and its training war partners, or our players could take your medal. This rule is for every division in Taiwan side battle.

Article 2. T10 (for training war partners) - First 10 minutes in Taiwan's D4 and aviator battle is for Taiwanese players only, then open to our training war partners (not applicable to D1-3). But this rule is limited to the campaigns/battles between Taiwan-training war partner sides. Training war partners fight in other campaigns/battles not belong both sides should follow T30 rule in article 1.

Article 3. Players don't keep the wall in our training wars, the medal will also be taken.

Article 4. This rule takes effect immediately upon publication.


President PteroMaple
Prime Minster gugufish
MoD Buyao531
vMoD ROCAndyLau
MoFA Ena Mizukami
Governor fdn999
MoE Laplus Darknesss

Day 5,863 (Dec 10, 2023)