[Dezbatere] Damage Accelerator

Day 2,698, 11:08 Published in Romania Romania by Luhter

Damage Accelerator

Extract din forum:
[...]Once the booster is activated and the Fight button is pressed, everything is double😛 the amount of hits/kills done and the amount of Energy and weapons consumed. Nothing really changes, you’re just able to fight and deal damage faster.[...]
Cost: 1 Gold
•Duration: 3 minutes
•Prestige Points are gained accordingly, so double hits also means double Prestige Points.
•DABs can be used together with Damage Boosters and Bazookas.
•DABs don’t affect Bombs, Rockets or Guerrilla Fights.
•DABs don’t have an expiration date and they can be bought for an unlimited time"

Ca selling point e faptul ca in bataliile epice, nu ai timp sa dai damage. Practic intr-o lupta de 1.5 ore nu ai timp sa dai destul damage? Nu pot stii pentru ca nu am avut niciodata mai multa energie ca sa dau damage mai mult de 2 minute. Dar intradevar, daca esti la final si vrei sa-ti surpinzi oponentul cu mult damage dintr-o data, s-ar putea sa-si gaseasca un rost.

Faptul ca au bagat un pack nou ma face curios de eficenta lui,pack care mi se pare destul de scump si ciudat compus, : daca esti high level player, nu ai nevoie de bombe si rachete din moment ce probabil dai damage mai mare din cateva lovituri cu damage accelerator. Ca low strength player, nu ai nevoie de Damage Accelerator. Deci ca un low strength player, e un item caruia nu i-am gasit un rost, ma face curios:

Folositi Damage Accelerator? I-ati gasit vreun rost? Daca da, cand si cum?