[CW] An open letter on the state of things.

Day 2,261, 09:35 Published in Canada Canada by Oinyo

Not to be too rude but there is a reason eCan is such trash where as other countries are thriving and getting into the mega alliances..

I mean look at Ireland. We are very close to losing our best ally to Spain,Poland,UK and the states. Why? Because they are loyal and they are rational.

We keep flip flopping how we lead the country showing that we can not be trusted. This is why so very few like us in the eWorld and even fewer help us or are willing to openly side with us.

People may call the game boring and call people like me c*ck suckers or boring idiots but if you flip the coin.. People that lust war and make terrible choices are the reason we are where we are. The game of course is boring because we have so little choice when it comes to influencing the world. Any time we start to make progress someone leads a charge to attack a large country to get us wiped. Then people leave, Other countries laugh at us as they unite and get stronger and we fail more.

We are more and more alone. Being separated from everyone around us. Our allies being taken away and us to be the next France if not worst.

TheSmoke is a rational person that has very good decision making skills. Until we get a strain of those types of people in office we will continue to be the fail country we are.

Put your stupid pride aside. Open your blind eyes and see us for what we are. A small country trying to play with the big boys while refusing to use any form of common sense.

no o7, No hyuu. Just a hard slap in the face. Wake the hell up eCan and lets start using our brains.
We are losing and we are failing.

Stop with the suicidal idiocy and lets rebuild for more than 2 months before we attack a brotherhood 300 times our size and power.

Just my 2 cents. Hate me or love me. Just deal with the truth because you can thump your chests all you want. In the end as you are seeing. We are once again being left behind.