[CPF] Survey Results

Day 2,375, 09:17 Published in Canada Poland by TheSmoke

This one is for Tom Joad,

YELLOW, now that we got that over with, I would like to say thanks to yall for completing the survey! It is great to have people adding their voices to help build our community. When we can evaluate ourselves as a party, and criticize where we need to, we begin to learn and improve where we can. I will provide a brief summary of the results of the survey, what I take from the points brought fourth, and how we can work to improve on these things.

Really the main thing for most people is activity. This is, has, and always will be the biggest and most important aspect in this game. The more people who wish to participate, get involved etc. the better our community will be. However, with the current war, we can expect activity levels to drop in some degree. Wars bring out active fighters, and a sense of patriotism for everyone to get involved, but when wars and wipes lag on, such as this, the community can begin to degrade. The absence of Congress, and general unification during war times, has somewhat blurred political lines. This has both good and bad consequences, in one hand we see the community come together against a common enemy, while on the other, we see a fall in politics and policy decisions.

With Congress returning I do think we will see an up kick in activity as our domestic politics get a new life. Policies will be pushed forward, voting taking place and the good ole heresay between parties. I hope our party will be able to put forth a solid team of Congress members. This process should hopefully help generate more articles for our members and community to read over.

I will be putting out an article very shortly outlining a new work program for the party. It is my hopes that we will be able to collectively work together to provide a service for the party, and Canadian community as a whole. Too often it seems that politics in this game has a sense of entitlement over everyone else. We as a party, should be looking to provide a service to our members and the citizens of Canada, not the other way around!

So I leave you with that, my late night writings!

