[CPF] Congressional Moose Dream Team

Day 2,135, 18:56 Published in Canada Poland by TheSmoke
This one is for Tom Joad,

Hello and welcome to the CPF Moose hall forest. Today is an exciting day, as I reveal which little moosies have made it onto the batting order of our CPF dream team. It has been an exciting time with lots of activity and communication going on, and for any of you hunters out there know what a bull or cow moose sounds like, well then you know it’s some exciting times indeed. I have put a lot of thought into who actually deserves to be where, and why. Not all of what I do in a day is derping and twerking ok, holla #Stephen Harper.

But seriously folk, I have put forth a team that contains activity, experience, youth, commitment, and some antlers. We are a diverse community, and thus must represent our members as much as possible. I want a team that has the experience to naturally lead, but we also need to allow newer members to get involved and learn the ropes.

1. Exalted Druid
ED is a long time member, who knows the ins and some of the outs of our party and eCan community. His commitment, involvement, knowledge, and levelheadedness(sp?) has earned him this spot.

2. Klop123
Klop123, a man who buttons his shoes one button at a time, he is thorough in his work, great attitude, ability to work with people from all corners and knowledge of the game make him and ideal candidate for the job.

3. Bryan Alexander
Bryan is sometimes referred to as the matrix due to his ability to look at the numbers in this crazy world, and write them down in order. When tasked to a job, he does it fully and properly. When fighting agents, he writes down more numbers. I know that he will be committed and active for his term, and provide valuable insight into our economy.

4. Acacia Mason
A wordsmith from the times of yesteryear, he offers swaths of experience in the eCan community and culture. With the ability to write such big words in a row, while still remaining in context, is an art of its own. I know he will proudly represent our party on every page he signs, and do it in a fashionable way.

5. Addy Lawrence
A man’s man who has held the powers of titans and Wii remotes. His time and effort put into COI alone is worthy of respect, let alone other black magic cults of his. The knowledge of MU’s, financials, politics and the community make him a valuable moose to the moose team.

6. JonathonEdwards
He doesn’t always say his name in one breath, but often spells it that way. Regardless, he has shown a lot of potential recently for the position of Congress Monkey. He is vocal where he can be for his experience, asks questions when needed, (fries with that?) and is involved in many party activities.

7. Manson Tai
Manson, sometimes mistaken for Marilyn Manson due to his haircut and desire for more leather, has been involved in eCanadian politics for some time. His current position in congress has shown his desire to help out and be involved.

8. TheSmoke
BALLER, SHOT COLLAR. Active, sane, membrane, baller, knows things…

9. Gunny165
I have worked with him in the past, and trust him to be involved, committed and productive.

10. Chance Harrison
New to the party, but has a background in Nintendo fighting, MU fighting, and the political sphere. I trust his activity level to provide a valuable voice to the congressional stage.

11. Randall Flagg 1999
A longtime member of the party, and newly appointed body guard assassin to the head cheese, his creativity and involvement will be beneficial to all. Don’t let him look into your eyes, he’ll kill ya…

12. Lance Lucky
Lance is an all-around great moose, active, communicative, supportive and helpful. He would be the poster moose if we didn’t already have Tyler.

13. Chriswen
I have worked with Chris many times in the past, and know that his desire to help out and improve the community is of a high calibre.

14. Dozzer_x
I have not worked with dozer much in the past, but his experience in foreign affairs offers a good area knowledge.

15. ErickLeRouge
Longtime member, and active in party activities

16. Lord Penguin
Commander of the Penguin Knights, and past congressmen, his knowledge of MU’s, Politics, and Moose / Penguin hybrids offers valuable characteristics to the team.

17. Kippers Of The Mud
An elder in the eCan community, experience and knowledge will add value to the team.

18. YunusCakir
A very active member in the party, who is great for advertising our communications and programs to other members. English is still rough, but his commitment and pride is unmatched

19. Carlos14can
A new member to the game, and the party, but is a generous person who has potential for the political sphere.

20. Acaro02
Active for a new player, I believe this friendly moose has potential to grow his horns and become more involved with politics and the game in general

So remember to vote for the Canadian Progressive Front on the 25th of September. The blue moose team is here for you!