[Country President Juve Leo] First days, Chile vs. Argentina, MPPs, Party elections

Day 2,615, 08:17 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Juve Leo

Dear Nigerians,

Our CP says:

"sorry that it took so long for me to write an article to inform you"

in here [Country President] First days, Chile vs. Argentina, MPPs, Party elections

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Our CP says we are neutral:

"We already had talks with both governments about the situation of eNigeria. I could make clear, that Nigeria is a neutral country in their war."

in here [Country President] First days, Chile vs. Argentina, MPPs, Party elections

The probelm is that then they do this:

Our CP says:

"I asked my friend MRSA SPB to run in their party Sporting"

in here [Country President] First days, Chile vs. Argentina, MPPs, Party elections

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Argentina now have 5 regions:

I told this was going to happen:

Day 2599 - NIGERIA 1 region - argentina 23 regions

Our government is wrong and is doing nothing to make Nigeria have our 6 regions back.

Now we have zero regions because this CP is doing bad politics.

Nigeria have another way to go, SPORTING PARTY way:

JUVE LEO - Program and Team

Nigeria - One Strategy

Nigeria - One Strategy - Answers to Gracek90

The key is here:


Good relations MPPs with our friends allies:

United Kingdom - República da Macedónia, Turquia, Ucrânia, Tailândia, Croácia

Chile - Coreia do Sul, Albânia, Polónia, Estónia, Bulgária, Holanda, Itália, Indonésia, Espanha, Irlanda, Geórgia, Lituânia, Chipre

SPORTING PARTY decided today to start working as CP of Nigeria because we believe something must be done to Nigeria have our 6 regions back.

From today we are contacting our new allies to start working together.

From today oficially Military Unit in Nigeria is SPORTING NIGERIA FORCES that is growing to have strong enough to defend our 6 regions.

We call every Nigerian to work with new CP Juve Leo so we can have back our 6 regions very soon.

Juve Leo

President of SPORTING PARTY from 16 December 2014