【外電翻譯】[CoT] United Against TWO --- 在反抗TWO的大旗下,我們團結在一起

Day 2,165, 12:57 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by slps

Dear Citizens of CoT, Friends, and other readers,

These past few days, we've seen great progress on the battlefield against the forces of TWO! Our magnificent community has come together to fight oppression and defend one another at all costs. Nations are looking to support one another in any way they can. This includes on the battlefield, with monetary help, and with safe sanctuary.

Today, the long oppressed people of Switzerland stood up to the massive power of TWO in a great fight for their freedom. Citizens from all CoT countries flocked to the field of battle in order to support their Swiss brothers. They were willing to blow stockpiles of weapons and energy bars in order to assure their freedom. In one round, Canadian CP Addy Lawrence, threw down a massive 250 Million points of damage in order to secure a victory against the Slovenians in a close 10th round.
就在今天,被TWO龐大力量壓迫許久的瑞士人民勇敢的站上戰場為他們的自由奮戰,來自CoT各個國家的戰士湧入戰場幫助他們在瑞士的弟兄。他們願意消耗成堆的武器及能量棒,只為了確保瑞士的弟兄能獲得自由。在第一回合,加拿大總統Addy Lawrence輸出驚人的2.5億傷害,只為確保能在緊繃的10局戰事中取得一場勝利。

The liberation of the Swiss was truly a proud showing of the camaraderie of our glorious international community. We are all united against the forces of TWO, looking out for the weakest among us. Even now, Canada is giving their regions to the Swiss for sanctuary. It just goes to show how tightly knit our community is, when our nations are willing to give up precious regions for the well being of their allies.

The people and leadership of CoT congratulate Swiss for this accomplishment and wish them well in their move to Canada. We all hope that you find great prosperity in your new regions!

In Oceania, the Indonesian people continue their war against the people of Australia. While Australia has the numbers behind them, they lack strategic proficiency. When the Polish came to help, the Australians foolishly blocked them off. Looking to pass off the dirty work to the Polish, they tried to lose in the Maluku Islands. However, they were thwarted by the forces of CoT. Indonesia lost the battle 81-84, meaning the Australians kept the region, denying the Polish the ability to attack Indonesia.
在大洋洲,印尼的人民持續他們與澳大利亞的戰爭。雖然澳大利亞有勢力在後面支持,但他們缺少策略。當波蘭前來協助澳大利亞時,他們愚蠢的擋住波蘭的去路。而當他們嘗試想透過放棄Maluku Islands來把爛攤子丟給波蘭時,CoT的軍隊使他們的夢想破滅。印尼在Maluku Islands戰場上以81-84落敗,代表澳大利亞將繼續佔有那塊土地,抹掉波蘭攻向印尼的能力。

For the time being, Indonesia is safe thanks to the forces of CoT and the strategic masterminds of Australia!

A conflict touched on in the last article, the forces of Chile have continued the march to push back the aggressive Argentinians. The Chileans have won the past four battles against the Argentine people, reclaiming all of their territory! They have continued their push by moving to help liberate the people of Brazil.

The Argentine people continue to watch their empire crumble under the power of CoT. The citizens of CoT stand by Chile, Peru, and Brazil in their fight against the forces of Argentina.

Moving back to Europe, it is not just the Swiss that have gained ground in the past few days. Russia has made great gains against Hungary. Soundly winning their past three battles, they are well on their way to securing a congress this month. They have successfully beaten back the Huns, who are suffering more than just the loss of those regions.

The greatest, and arguably most exciting, strategic victory came not from Russia or Switzerland, but from Ukraine! Ukraine, another nation long suppressed by the Huns, attempted to rise up against them in the region of Subcarpathia. Much like the Swiss and the Russians, the Ukrainians were supported by the united international community of CoT, even though they are not members of the alliance. In one of the most intense battles in recent memory, citizens from our nations showed up en masse to support the Ukrainian people. This resulted in a great victory, cutting off many of Hungary's bonuses!

After this show of CoT support, they have gained CoT MPP's with Mexico and the United States! They have alsogained an MPP with Croatia, a dear friend of many CoT countries and a strong force against the powers of TWO.

We salute the Russian and Ukrainian people in their victories against Hungary!

Yet, the victory in Subcarpathia was not just a show of support of the Ukrainians. It showed the community's unity in opposition to the powers of TWO. The citizens of CoT will be there to help any nation that is oppressed by TWO. It does not matter if you are in our alliance or not. If your country is an enemy of TWO, we will stand with you on the battlefield. If your nation is being oppressed by TWO, our citizens know your pain and will do whatever they can to help you. As the most powerful alliance opposed to TWO, all anti-TWO nations can look to our people for help.

United to help one another against the aggressive forces of TWO, the ties that bind us grow stronger with every battle. In victory and defeat, we stand side by side supporting one another. Our bonds are unshakeable; unmoved by hardship.

With this unified community, willing to oppose TWO on all fronts, CoT looks forward to more victories on the battlefield!