[ CN / EN ] 复活节比赛 / Easter Bunny Competition

Day 2,342, 04:38 Published in China Republic of Moldova by Luceafar Voievod


首先祝在 EC的每个人快乐的复活节快乐!这也是发这篇文章的主要原因。

同时在即将来临的复活节竞争祝你们好运!我们也将发送给在我的军团的每一个士兵200 Q7坦克,来享受比赛。



Good evening my dear countryman,

Let me start by wishing to everyone in eCN and to the eWorld a happy easter. this is also the main reason for this article.

I also wanna to wish every citizens of eCN the best of luck in the future coming Easter competition! Me, alongside our dear MU Commander wish to encourage everyone to take advantage of this situation and get as many True Patriot Medals , basicly it’s free gold( if you do not take in count the tanks 😃 ) and also a very good chance to promote and show to the entire eWorld how great your military unit is ( and why not show how great are all the eCN MUs ).

We will send all our soldiers in MU each 200 q7 tanks to enjoy the competition.

In the spirit of good competition, fair-play and good fun we wish everyone happy tanking and enjoy the best out of this competition.

PS: Do not waste all candys, we may still need some soon!

Sign by your friendly monkey,