[CCS4PP] Setting Sails for a New Era

Day 2,093, 13:51 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by ChewChewShoe
Obligatory theme music.

Dear Britain,

What we are witnessing here today is the dawning of a true new era. No longer shall we stand by and watch the new world crumble around us. At this pivotal point in history where opportunities are abundant, I refuse to comply with the status quo and do nothing. I challenge that we reach out and grab what is rightfully ours.

With inactivity ravaging our party, with weak minds seeking solace in the hands of our enemies, with the strongest minds being manipulated into falling to disgrace, I believe we can make one last stand, which will determine our future.
I believe that I have the ability to bring us back to where we so rightfully once stood.
I believe that I as the party president of New Era can revert the decay we have seen in our party lately.

I refuse to go into this election on a platform of false promises and unrealistic ideals, and as such my policies are few and simple; yet they carry a strong message and historically are effective measures for parties to take.

× Player retention has been a blight on New Era for several months, as such I will promote increased party communication by setting up a team which will regularly keep in contact with the party, encouraging activity and participation in the New Era and British community alike with events and incentives.

× There has been little representation from New Era in the British media lately. I will attempt to revamp our media presence, and thus make our party more attractive to potential newcomers, by encouraging more publications in the British media in regards to recruitment, our policies, community projects (such as games and competitions) and updates on the viewpoints of the party.

× There has been little to no credible attempts to engage our members to be more involved in the British community, which has led to us being isolated from the rest of the country. As party president, I would strongly encourage New Era presence in the British community by encouraging activity on public forums as well as bolster our IRC presence. A necessity of every citizen is to grow through the means of interacting with other players and debating events and policies that are currently ongoing, in that spirit I would encourage our members to debate the status quo to leave the mark of a new era on the British community.

× New Era has had a destitute record with voter turnout in regards to congressional elections the past few months, and the solution is rather simple. I believe that by setting up a form available to all members of our party that is sent out a couple of days before the congressional elections we can encourage our members to vote. Through this form we can also attempt to motivate them to launch their own political careers through New Era, thus strengthening the pool of potential candidates for elections and national offices.
Before elections, both parliamentary and presidential, I will encourage New Era articles in the media, that energize people to vote for our party. On top of that, I will require our communications team to message the party before the elections encouraging them to support New Age, which will help maximize our voter turnout.

When the people of Britain go out to elect their new party presidents on the fifteenth, I want you to remember that your vote may not only decide the future of your party, but of the entire nation.
Think consciously, think practically, think of the British Empire.

Until next time, I shall leave you with this quote:

"We think that a powerful and vigorous movement is impossible without differences — "true conformity" is possible only in the cemetery." -Joseph Stalin
