[AMP] Chief of Staff Update

Day 1,931, 18:08 Published in USA USA by Dio Salaar

Hello Everyone!

First of all shout out to BlondeNinja, who made my new banner. She is the best 🙂

Now, some of you may have been wondering what the AMP has been up to recently, some of you may not. Regardless, Swaggy is here to tell you!

Some Swagg-filled music, completely unrelated to this article.

Chiefs of Staff

We Chiefs of staff (Black Baroness and I, for those who don’t know), have been doing all of the typical CoS stuffs; managing the party alongside our Party President, Dr. Sexy Times, and whipping all of the Round Table members, to ensure maximum efficiency and productivity.


Obviously, communications is an important job. Dczip and BeeBee have been doing a great job of informing the party of what is going on, huge props to them.

Political Action Committee

Our PAC Director Brickwall and his Deputy Evry have been busy setting up a quiz system to accompany our system of Congress Elections. For those who don’t know, we in the AMP elect our congressmen on the forums, with spots being assigned by number of votes received. PAC has been working on a quiz for prospective Congressmen to take, to ensure that we don’t just get in quantities of Congressmen, but Quality Congressmen as well.


Legal, I must say, is unfortunately one of the most undervalued positions in the AMP. Free Area and Rushaun put their blood, sweat and tears into revising, improving, and fixing our party’s constitution. No legal document is perfect, but these guys put their best foot forward, and try everyday to get it to be as good as it possibly can be.


Retention, oh Retention. This is a great department, and one of the most fun things I have ever been a part of in this game. CrimsonNinja has been working very hard with our Party VP, George S. Patton, to set up a poker tournament for the AMP, and it seems like it will be a lot of fun! CN also runs an intern program, which is designed at getting Newbloods involved inside the party. Internship Application


Unfortunately, there isn’t too much to be said for this department, but Lemi has been doing a great job with trying to get new members into our party. They also run the Battle Buddies program, which is a great way of recruiting. If you are invited to the party by a AMPer, post in the forums and you will both receive tanks!

Security and Technology

Blondie and Jack have been doing awesome jobs with security and tech. From creating a new system of voting for CP candidates, to organizing our move to a new, better forum, these two have been VERY BUSY. Shout out to them for doing an outstanding job under a lot of pressure, you guys rock.


Media is the newest department, so it is kinda fitting that it be lead by one of our up-and-coming newbloods, the amazing Saraht0ga, and another cool youngblood, Divineal. This department is still working to find its place in the AMP, but I expect nothing but greatness from it in the weeks and months to come.


We at AMP, though we are all about what is new and now, still appreciate some good solid history when it comes to our party. All month, we’ve been having Regency Era working on History related stuff. I have not seen his work yet, but I expect a lot, and I don’t think I will be disappointed.

All in all, I have had a good feeling about this month from the get-go, and I have been continually impressed by our PP, our Round Table, and our members. so a shout out to ALL of you, you are awesome.

Untill next time, keep it Swaggin, and

✯ ✯ ✯ Feel the AMPs ✯ ✯ ✯

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