[AM4CJ] A Curtain Rises

Day 2,596, 15:58 Published in Canada Canada by Acacia Mason

Dearest Subjects of eCanada and Feathered Friends everywhere,

Today I come to you to announce my intention to run for Court Jester for the January 2015 term.

Every CP needs a muse…or to be amused…or to be mocked relentlessly as circumstances dictate. eCanada, I CAN and WILL be that man…because the reality is, if you don't vote for me, I will simply appoint myself to the role because thats just how I roll.

I have a ton of formal training for the role…here is my resume:

8 ) Spent 5 years playing this game with TemButt…and lets be honest, anyone who can play this game for that long with him, deserves this job

5) I have been a member of TCO in the past. Those who have been part of this ragtag group of vandals knows that lulz are rampant

2) I have been friended, unfriended, and friended again by Rylde. Rylde has also managed to remember my name while in a drunken bender on IRC.

4) Homer J. Simpson is on my friends list…Nuff said there

1) I HAVE proudly earned Famous points from our good friends the Snimda

3) I have ZERO clue as to what the hell is going on in this game anymore, who the alliances are, or who eCanada is friends and/or enemies with.

9) 1/3 of the eUSA hates me, 1/3 of the eUSA loves me, and the other 1/3 haven't a damn clue who I am.

7) I am a Wiccan and I practice Sorcery of the highest order

6) I can count to twenty using my fingers and my toes

As you can see, I am well qualified for the job.

In the coming days I will be introducing my platform as well as my Cabinet. My campaign slogan will be…wait for it…

AM4CJ - Surely You Jest

My thanks to the following parties who have endorsed me: *crickets*

Yours In The Bonds Of Humour,