Αλλαγή στα Energy bars/ Energy bars are changed.

Day 1,388, 11:55 Published in Spain Greece by Nihilio

Today, I received this PM from my old buddy Plato:

Dear citizen,

I am glad to announce you that starting today you will be able to use Energy Bars (+100 health upon use) after you restore all the available health you have at your disposal (by eating food). Thus, you will be able to have Energy Bars stocks (e.g. exactly like other storage items) and use them whenever you want to.

In order for you to see how it works, I gave you an Energy Bar as free gift.

In other words, each time we get an energy bar we do not have to eat it instantly, instead it is stored until we run out of health then we can have a bite to get back 100 health, or choose to store our energy bars for the time we must take extra fights.

A tidy change if you ask me.

Σήμερα ο παλιόφιλός μου ο Plato μου έστειλε το παρακάτω μύνημα:

Dear citizen,

I am glad to announce you that starting today you will be able to use Energy Bars (+100 health upon use) after you restore all the available health you have at your disposal (by eating food). Thus, you will be able to have Energy Bars stocks (e.g. exactly like other storage items) and use them whenever you want to.

In order for you to see how it works, I gave you an Energy Bar as free gift.

Σε απλά Ελληνικά, μέχρι σήμερα, όταν παίρναμε μία energy bar έπρεπε να την φάμε αμέσως.

Όχι πια.

Τώρα πλέον, όταν μηδενιστεί το φαγητό που μπορούμε να φάμε, έχουμε την επιλογή να φάμε μία από τις σοκολάτες μας και να ξαναγεμίσουμε με υγεία.

Κατά τη γνώμη μου αυτή είναι μια πολύ καλή αλλαγή, αφού έτσι μπορούμε να κρατήσουμε τις energy bars για τις μάχες εκείνες που πρέπει να τανκάρουμε (ή για τη μέρα που οι πιο μικροί θα μαζέψουμε τα μπαζούκα μας και θα πάμε για το BH)