
Day 2,776, 17:04 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Republic of China (Taiwan) by liuli




1. The effective period of this agreement is Day 2780 to Day 3140 (Six months).

1. 本協議生效期間為2780日至 3140 日 (六個月)。

2. Both ROC and SK are not allowed to attack each other including resistant wars which are arranged in official, except the Determination-resetting war which has been arranged and acknowledged by both parties.

2. (期間) ROC 與 SK 不得攻擊對方,除了雙方協調並承認的決心值洗地戰外,任何官方發動起義戰亦不允許。

3. During the effective period of this agreement, ROC is not allowed to occupy four regions: Gyeonggi-do, Gangwon-do, Chungcheongbuk-do, and Chungcheongnam-do.

3. 協議期間 ROC 不得佔領以下四個地區: Gyeonggi-do, Gangwon-do, Chungcheongbuk-do, Chungcheongnam-do

4. Both ROC and SK are not allowed to set official Combat Order against each other in any fight, or are considered as a violation of this agreement.

4. ROC 與 SK 官方不得在任何戰事中設定針對對方之軍團命令,否則被認定違反協議。

5. Once ROC releases all four regions stated in Item 3, SK has to pay a deposit payment of 100,000 cc to ROC National Bank within one month. If SK fails to complete this deposit payment accordingly, this agreement becomes invalid immediately.
5. 當ROC依項目 3. 之內容完全歸還四個地區後,SK 需在一個月內交付 100,000 CC 押金予 ROC 國家銀行。如果 SK 無法依本項目完成繳付押金,本協議立即失效。

6. The deposit payment stated in Item 5 will be return to SK in Day 3135, Day 3165, Day 3195, Day 3225, and Day 3240 as a five consecutive monthly installment by ROC. ROC has to complete each return within 3 days after each due date accordingly. Any delay or refuse of this return is considered as a violation of this agreement.

6. 此一押金款項將在 Day 3135, Day 3165, Day 3195, Day 3225, and Day 3240 由 ROC 五期歸還SK。ROC 將在到期日三天內規還當期款項,任何延遲或拒絕付款的行為被視為違反協議。

7. Any violation against Item 2, 3, 4 and 6 stated in this agreement by one party results in a fine of 150,000 cc to opposite party.

7. 其中一方任何違反協議的行為將被罰款 150,000 cc 給另一方。

8. The process for Determination-resetting wars in ROC occupied regions shall follow the steps described below:

8. ROC決心值洗地戰依下列條文實行:

8-1. ROC chooses a target region and date for Determination-resetting, and informs SK to acknowledge this action.

8-1. ROC 選擇目標地區與時間,通知 SK 並取得承認。

8-2. SK declare Natural Enemy to ROC at first, and then ROC declare Natural Enemy to SK later. SK must wait 24 hours and then raise the first campaign in the target region designated by ROC. SK has to notice all citizens and allies in advance to address that this campaign is a bonus resetting arrangement agreed by both ROC and SK in official, and must lose this campaign as agreement.

8-2. 首先由 SK 先手宣布ROC天敵,接著ROC再隨後宣布天敵,SK於二十四小時後於ROC指定地區開啟第一場天敵戰。SK 需告知所有公民與盟友此系列戰為洗地戰,必需依協議內容輸掉指定戰役。

8-3. ROC takes Determination-resetting campaign in a 5 days period and extends over 7 days. Both sides then cancel their Natural Enemy against each other and complete the whole process.
8-3. ROC 以五天為期完成洗地系列戰並展延至七天。雙方接著結束天敵狀態完成洗地過程。

9. The situations stated below will NOT be considered as violation of this agreement: During the ongoing process of Determination-resetting campaign, ROC is allowed to continue the whole process directly when SK fails to acknowledge the request of Determination-resetting campaign sent from ROC within 10 days. If any region stated in Item 3 is occupied during this process, ROC has to release this region within 7 days or this action is considered as a violation of this agreement.
9. 下列事項不被認為違反協議: 洗地戰過程中,若 SK 無法在十天內對 ROC 的洗地戰要求做出回應,ROC 被允許自行開啟洗地系列戰役。若戰役過程中導致第三項規範的四個地區遭到 ROC 佔領,ROC 必需在七天內規還否則被試為違反協議。

10. Both of ROC and SK are allowed to violate Item 2, 3, 4 and 6 stated in this agreement in ACCIDENT only ONCE to avoid the fine described in Item 7. In this ACCIDENT, both partys have to cease fire within 24 hours and repristinate the original status within 7 days. Furthermore, both partys also have the right to define this violation as an ACCIDENT, and an official announcement in newspaper for explanation is required.
10. ROC 與 SK 僅有一次違反協議機會可被認為是”意外”,意外事件需在二十四小時內停火並在七天內回復到事件前狀態。當事方有權定義這一次意外事件,並需官方公布解釋內容於報紙。

11. Once ROC or SK violates any Item stated in this agreement except which is defined as one-chance ACCIDENT stated in Item 10, this agreement becomes invalid immediately and the breaching party has to pay the fine stated in Item 7.
11. 一旦 ROC 或 SK 違反本協議規定事項,除第十條所定義一次性意外豁免以外,將立即導致本協議失效,且違約方需償付第七條規定罰款。








