
Day 3,083, 21:01 Published in China China by baing2000

- Closely contested Full Scale Battles (when the Domination Bar is between 49.5% and 50.5😵 will award double Prestige Points and will behave as Epic Battles.

在非常緊湊、拉鋸的全面戰爭 (Full Scale Battles) 中如果戰場百分比是49.5% 與 50.5% 之間的話,玩家將會和史詩戰場一樣獲得雙倍PP。

- A new Leaderboard is available ranking countries by Domination Points (as defined here ). The Leaderboard does not take into consideration Civil War Battles.

新的傻國榜上線了(編者按: 哦哈, 是我傻了),裡面是以國家在戰場的比分(不是戰役總分)排行的。獨裁戰的戰場比分並不計算在內。

- Citizen income from Combat Orders and Medals rewarding Currency (Mercenary, Freedom Fighter, True Patriot) are now subject to the Work Tax in effect in the player’s Country of Citizenship. Tax revenue originating from each Citizen is added to their respective Citizenship Country’s Treasury.

國民在CO和以CC作獎勵的獎章 (傭兵章、自由戰士章和愛國章) 的收入會被玩家所屬的國家當工作稅抽稅了 (編者按: 太狠了吧...) 稅收會直接加到國庫。

- Civil Wars and Liberation Wars opening fees were increased to 1,000,000 Currency units.

獨裁戰和解放戰的入場費現在提升至100萬元一次 (編者按: 這樣對小國有好有壞, 好處是銀河系富二代不能任性地亂開別人的獨裁,x4 bh 時他們也不能開獨裁來賺BH金, 這樣對有點錢的小國會安全點, 沒錢的就...gg)
