An official apology to Serbian Orthodox brothers from the e-Greek community

Day 1,736, 14:42 Published in Greece Greece by Stan CCCP
An official apology to Serbian Orthodox brothers from the e-Greek community

As a prominent member of the e-Greek community and member of the e-Greek Parliament for five consecutive times, I would like to publicly declare our sincere apologies to the e-Serbian community for our unfair conduct during their Holy War against Ottoman Turks in the battle of Marmara, yesterday.

Our government, not only failed to support the defense of the Holy Capital of the whole Greek nation, but issued orders to help the infidels Turks in their assault!

We, the last free voices in e-Greece, declare our eternal friendship with our Serbian brothers and we publicly announce that we will defend their just cause against Turkish aggressiveness.

If our government issue orders against Serbia again, I am ready to impeach our CP in order to avert similar disasters.

Hail Greece.
Hail Serbia.