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Be a man. Learn the Madao way of living.

Madao Time, the most abusive newspaper in eRepublik, has now a theme song:

Breve e Sintetico

62 2,890 jour, 22:16 Published in Italy Italy Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Reghium, direi che 15 giorni sono abbastanza per risolvere qualunque paturnia mentale tu avessi: ti devi insediare o no?

Sennò si passa la palla al prossimo in lista … en savoir plus »

Lettera aperta allo stimatissimo.....

90 2,885 jour, 23:27 Published in Italy Italy Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Presidente, ex MoE, speculatore ed esperto di economia, professore e grande estimatore dei numeri. Uomo dalla grande lungimiranza: Reghium

Hai bisogno di una mano per
en savoir plus »

Il Referendum dei finti referrer

128 2,883 jour, 07:58 Published in Italy Italy Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Qualche giorno fa, il Presidente (?) Reghium ha pubblicato un articolo per

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[Ireland] The Awful Truth Behind Lorenzo Santarelli

23 2,883 jour, 06:42 Published in Ireland Ireland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Dear friends and allies of Ireland o/
first of all, I apologize for taking some of your space with my newspaper!
Most of you don’t know me, nor you know the subject of the article. … en savoir plus »

[Albania] The Awful Truth Behind Lorenzo Santarelli

17 2,883 jour, 05:37 Published in Albania Albania Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Dear friends and allies of Albania o/
first of all, I apologize for taking some of your space with my newspaper!
Most of you don’t know me, nor you know the subject of the article. … en savoir plus »