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Region Breakdown : USA, Idaho(joke programming)

5 3,153 jour, 03:27 Published in USA USA Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

So far we have seen that

- 0% pollution means that no factories of the type has worked in that region the day before not that there is no factories of the type. I have had a Q5 factory in Idaho from the start and the stats match me working or

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Love of the common people

4 3,152 jour, 14:29 Published in Ireland Ireland Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Love of the common people - Paul Young

Living on free food tickets
Water in the milk
From a hole in the roof
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A breakdown of resource regions : Portugal Azores

5 3,152 jour, 03:05 Published in Ireland Ireland Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

First off my strategy was as follows:

1. 2 High bonus region high country bonus region

Portugal Azores - Weapons , Washington DC Houses

3. 1 moderate region with moderate country bonuses - reestablishing some tax help to Ireland


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A breakdown of Resource Regions: Serbia Southern Serbia

1 3,151 jour, 03:13 Published in Serbia Serbia Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

First off my strategy was as follows:

1. 2 High bonus region high country bonus region

Portugal Azores - Weapons , Washington DC Houses

3. 1 moderate region with moderate country bonuses - reestablishing some tax help to Ireland


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A breakdown of Resource Regions: Ireland MAYO

6 3,150 jour, 07:15 Published in Ireland Ireland Affaires et finance Affaires et finance

First off my strategy was as follows:

1. 2 High bonus region high country bonus region

Portugal Azores - Weapons , Washington DC Houses

3. 1 moderate region with moderate country bonuses - reestablishing some tax help to Ireland


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