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Good evening America! Guess who's back?

45 2,950 jour, 15:58 Published in USA USA Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hey there folks! How have you been? Did you miss me? 😃

I decided to come back to America because you lack with democracy. American society is struggling and is being tricked by dictator to believe him and lose your freedoms.


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Free Area is back + podela tenkova i hrane

142 2,900 jour, 07:10 Published in Serbia Serbia Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Dragi svi,

nakon tacno 412 dana pauze preuzeo sam nalog i vratio se u igru. Vidim da je dosta starih igrača napustilo eRep i da učmalost vlada u eSrbiji, pa ću nastojati da nešto promenim povodom toga koliko je u mojoj mogućnosti.

Za početak u

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Podjela q7 wepa

53 2,604 jour, 14:45 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Pozdrav svima
Ovo je moja prva podjela 😃

Sve sto trebate uraditi je u komentar napisati broj vota i sub-a
Svaki endorse je dobrodosao
Svi ce dobiti po 3q7 tenka

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Guerilla protiv najboljih igraca eSvijeta

9 2,558 jour, 16:11 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

1. Ares the Magnificent vs TEAM CM (46. igrac u eSvijetu po broju Guerilla pobjeda)

2. Ares the Magnificent vs E.JEAN68 (9. igrac u eSvijetu po broju Guerilla pobjeda)

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Upoznajte se sa grckom mitologijom :D

8 2,556 jour, 15:51 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Kao sto vidite prosirila se Magnificent dinastija, pa da malo razjasnimo 😃

Thanatos the Magnificent - Thanatos je u grckoj mitologiji Bog smrti. U ranom mitološkom prikazivanju, bio je moćno ilustriran … en savoir plus »