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Pentru ce mai joc?? Hai noroace!!!

14 648 jour, 10:41 Published in Romania Romania

Acum cateva ore faceam o campanie umanitara pentru mine.
Mi-au fost donate urmatoarele sume
1.9 USD - linkra
1 HUF - oarecare
0.29 FRF - P Mihai
300 FRF (cam 8 Gold) - SharkNewInvestment

O persoana m-a intrebat daca se cere pomana si la

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Campanie umanitara pentru mine.

7 648 jour, 06:20 Published in Romania Romania

Vreau si eu niste bani! Orice moneda, orice suma si in orice cantitate. Nu ii rambursez. Vreau sa vad solidaritate.
O sa va comunic motivul ulterior.

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Are we playing against chicken invaders??

9 648 jour, 03:40 Published in Hungary Hungary

Do you know Chicken invaders?
Who are the Chickens?
And the award goes tu eHungary.
What for?
They are chickens because they don`t have the necessary amount of "tools" to fight with us.

Who are the invaders??
And the award goes tu eHungary

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Do we play against chicken invaders?

7 648 jour, 02:33 Published in Romania Romania

Do you know Chicken invaders?
Who are the Chickens?
And the award goes tu eHungary.
What for?
They are chickens because they don`t have the necessary amount of "tools" to fight with us.

Who are the invaders??
And the award goes tu eHungary

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Ar trebui să avem principii ??

10 647 jour, 23:05 Published in Romania Romania

Problema Ucraineană.
Succesul în congresul eUcrainei tinde să devină o problemă de imagine? Aşa doresc ungurii.
Dacă în trecut pe oriunde am trecut am jefuit, acum ne-am rezolvat în primul rând problema de maximă importanţă, a închiderii ră

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