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Leapsa literara-Dust in the wind (Uprising) II

28 3,361 jour, 20:22 Published in Romania Romania Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement


"Parinte, avem nevoie de ajutorul inchide" am strigat in receptor.
"Nu ve... n. .... sigur, sunt sold... peste tot, … en savoir plus »

Leapsa literara-Dust in the wind (Uprising)

26 3,349 jour, 23:47 Published in Romania Romania Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Fond muzical..

O alta zi din era neo-erep e pe cale sa se sfarseasca.
Stau pe terasa cu o cana de cafea in mana si privesc la soarele ce se scufunda incet in mare.
Intregul orizont pare a fi in flacari … en savoir plus »

Thank You!

170 3,073 jour, 10:03 Published in Greece Greece Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Hello friends 🙂

Today I manage to reach my goal, 700 level. After 6 years of playing and tanking, finally I did it.

"What a big deal" could say some people...but you see, I am the only

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Si daca pumni iti bat in geam....

28 2,933 jour, 12:11 Published in Romania Romania Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Pentru concurs ...

Ma trezeste frigul. Arunc o privire la ceasul de pe noptiera, e doar 3 jumate...sau cel putin asa cred.
Cateva leduri is arse si

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Action and reaction

37 2,929 jour, 01:45 Published in Greece Greece Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Just one week ago we had this...

I can say that the most reactions was like this...

Those that don't know too well Pluto's … en savoir plus »