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Salutare eRomania!

44 3,825 jour, 10:40 Published in Romania Romania Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Salut romani! Ce faceti?

Stiu ca majoritatea nu ma cunoasteti, e pe buna dreptate, nu am de ce sa fiu cunoscut!

De curand m-am alaturat comunitatii din eRomania, dupa ce in prealabil am jucat in ultimii cativa ani in eUSA. Stiu ca e mult sa

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[MCB4CP] You only get one shot!

7 3,697 jour, 09:17 Published in USA USA Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Me again!

I thought that it would be a good idea to write an article to give everyone an idea of what I plan to do over the next month if I should win the elections.

Most of the government affairs will carry out as normal and I am not

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[MCB4CP] You only get one shot!

29 3,690 jour, 10:23 Published in USA USA Débats et analyses politiques Débats et analyses politiques

Dear fellow eAmericans,

Here it is: I am running for the Country President in January! (shock! and awe!)

"What? Are you crazy? Why do that?" some may say.
"Who are you?
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Revolutia Canadiana

52 3,138 jour, 16:12 Published in Romania Romania Consignes de combat Consignes de combat

Dragi romani,

Revolutia din Canada nu este una ostila.
Este incercarea unui grup de persoane cu bune intentii sa ajute Canada si comunitatea de acoli. Asta se va putea face doar luindu-i lui Rydle puterea.
Dictatorul Canadei voi fi eu !

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Let's have a laugh !

3 3,051 jour, 11:52 Published in USA USA Interactions sociales et divertissement Interactions sociales et divertissement

Check out these maintenance complaints submitted by pilots and the funny solutions recorded by maintenance engineers who obviously have a sense of humor.

After every flight, pilots are required to fill out a form, called a gripe sheet which
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