WRC enota ali pa: Beli zajček je podivjal

Day 2,153, 06:02 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by PIemenko

Beli zajček je podivjal

V tihi temni noči je počilo, tistega usodnega trenutka je počilo kot grom.
Zagrmelo je čez hribe in doline kjer se je razlegal po pokrajini
močan zvok in bleščeč blisk. Iz temne luknje je na plano privihrala nevihta.
Močno je odsevalo medtem ko je nekaj belega prihajalo iz temne globeli.
Rodil se je beli zajček...

Beli zajček, ki nekje v drugi dimenziji povzroča strah in trepet
že več kot leto dni. Kjer vsi okamenijo, ko se odloči, da jih počasti uvideti
svojo bleščeče belo bit. Tisti trenutek nasprotnik oslepi......

Sedaj je tudi v erepublik rojen ta beli zajček, ta presvetla bit,
ki bo z svojo rastjo povročala strah in trepet po večnih loviščih...

Si želiš biti del tega? Želiš nositi počaščeno belino? PRIDI

Naša pesem bo z strahospoštovanjem odmevala v ušesih nasprotnikov...
(za ogled videa klikni)

Your magic white rabbit
Has left it's writing on the wall
We follow like Alice
And just keep diving down the hole

You can't fix your broken promise
Our ties have come undone
I will not be used to be battered and abused
It's the reason why I choose to cut my losses
Your lies fool no one
Your magic white rabbit
Your white room straight jacket

Your magic white rabbit
Has left it's writing on the wall
We follow like Alice
And just keep diving down the hole
We're falling and we're losing control
Your pulling us and dragging us down this dead end road
We follow like Alice
And just keep diving down the hole

You can't offer your poison to me
In your kingdom of filth
White Rabbit
Straight jacket

Your magic white rabbit
Has left it's writing on the wall
We follow like Alice
And just keep diving down the hole
We're falling and we're losing control
Your pulling us and dragging us down this dead end road
We follow like Alice
And just keep diving down the hole

I won't be pushed aside
I will be heard
I will get what I want
What I deserve

I won't be pushed aside
I will be heard
I will get what I want
What I deserve

We're falling and we're losing control
Your pulling us and dragging us down this dead end road

Your magic white rabbit
Has left it's writing on the wall
We follow like Alice
And just keep diving down the hole
We're falling and we're losing control
Your pulling us and dragging us down this dead end road
We follow like Alice
And just keep diving down the hole

Your magic white rabbit
Has left it's writing on the wall
We follow like Alice
And just keep diving down the hole
Diving down the hole