Working Together Towards a Greater America

Day 922, 15:39 Published in USA USA by Serendipitous
"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." --Ryunosuke Satoro

tl;dr version below

For some time now, the US military has been a powerhouse in the world. Every single one of our branches operates with an incredible amount of speed and precision when attacking targets. From the lowest Private to the greatest Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff (Harlot obviously), each and every one of them has had a hand in creating history. They are without a doubt one of the finest organizations to ever enter eRepublik history.

They've always been there for our friends, even in times of trouble. I think it's conceivable to call them the third branch of government (while traditionally Judicial, the military easily eclipses Lulz Court.)


The next branch we have is Congress. Now Congress... has always been a problem child for the US. They do have the Power of the Purse, but for the most part they're rubber stamp monkeys. They control our nation's financial resources and distribute it to various organizations (the military, most notably.) Despite what many people believe, Congress is a very important group of individuals. Recently, they've had a spot of trouble with PTOs. The CIA, under direction of the illustrious Rod Damon (from what I understand the CIA functions like another branch of the military, but isn't necessarily controlled by the CJCS,) assisted in blocking those PTOs. This shows that Congress and the military can work together.


So, even grudgingly, the military and Congress work towards a common goal: ensuring the safety and prosperity of our nation as a whole. The Executives, most specifically the President, works with them. Recently, the President was given absolute control over military maneuvers. This is both good and bad. For starters:

*The military has and will continue to work towards the betterment of America, regardless of the President's decision. Whenever the President decides to go against the JCS's suggestions, obviously harsh words will be exchanged, but IT IS HIS CHOICE.

*The military should keep in mind that many of our holdings have less strategic value than that of other regions around the globe. Although those regions are held by allies (or neutrals) they can have more worth in the long run. Every aspect must be considered when deciding where to fight, and our JCS do a damn good job of it.

*No matter how much thought and time is put into the decision, sometimes the wrong decision is made. But this is a cyclical game. Regardless of the amount of time it takes, we will gain whenever we lose.

*The President's control of the military will undoubtedly drag the military into politics, whether they like it or not. Clean politics are not something to be afraid of. Eliminating red tape is good, clean politics. Dirty, under-hand politics such as joining a party specifically to vote the pro-military candidate in, that is dirty politics. We must strive to create a place where clean politics and good military procedure can work in tandem to enhance the gaming experience.


This game is all about community. The community has been at edge and currently resides in two main factions; the military and the legislature. A good comparison I hear😛

*When someone insults Congress, you get enthusiastic agreement.
*When someone insults the President, you get intelligent debate.
*When someone insults the military, you're a butthole hater troll.

Let's eliminate that comparison. Each branch is important for one thing or another, despite what you claim to believe. Combine all of them to create a truly excellent experience. A bad Congress can shut off your source of funding; a bad Executive can obliterate cohesion and destroy your nation; a bad military can refuse to fight. Instead of continuing to hurt one another, perhaps we should lend a helping hand instead.



Current Master Sergeant Serendipitous, 114th Platoon, Training Corps
Former five-time Senator and Speaker of the House, Serendipitous

tl;dr version: Work together.