Why We Will Win Contest Results Part II

Day 625, 10:08 Published in USA USA by Heather Fuchs

As I silently crawled up on the ridge outside of this now empty Wyoming town to scout the Russian encampment below, I knew my buddies from Alpha Three were right behind me. We'd been keeping tabs on this group of Russian platoons for a few weeks now. I almost laughed out loud when my binoculars spotted their General. He had set up his headquarters inside the vacated McDonalds.

"Len, Chavo.. crawl up here and have a look..isn't that the same General we saw in the first wave over in Washington?" "Sure is Sulvor", Len responded after having a look. "But my goodness he's put on weight." "Guess maybe he should have his war room in that fitness center down the road instead of a McDonalds!" Chavo chimed in. We couldn't help breaking silence for a good laugh as we realized yet another reason why WE WILL WIN.

The contest this round was simple, explain why we will win. Thanks to the incredible generosity of Lieutenant Sakyo of Charlie Company, five participants won ONE GOLD each! In alphabetical order, the winners are:
. . Dimension
. . Dramaus Katan
. . Gailees
. . Maelyn
. . Tyler Deel

The remaining winners from last week:

submitted by Gailees
The reason we will be victorious is because we are united. We are a group of 51 united states that, through the ups and downs, the rises and falls, will always stand together. We are even more than a group of 51 united states though, we are an alliance of countries that will never falter in our resolve. We are an unbreakable wall of nations with a common goal, freedom for all. We are Fortis!!!

submitted by Maelyn
"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. --John F. Kennedy"
We will never give up, never stop, until our freedom is secured. As long as even one eAmerican exists, we will fight. We will win because the only way for us to lose is if we give up, and that will never happen.

submitted by Tyler Deel
My reasoning is this: As a citizen and member of the eUSAF and MI, I have the pleasure of working with loads of people daily. In a recent promotion to Colonel in the eUSAF, I got to send out welcome letters to my units. A line from the letter that I sent read like this:
"Where even a strength 3 Private can be as powerful as a strength 15 Field Marshall, so be proud!"

We are going to win this war, because we are proud as a nation. Not only that, but we are proud as people of eMerica.

Please note that NO governmentally allocated military funding is being used for this contest. The money for these prizes was generously donated by MI Lieutenant Sakyo.

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Respectfully submitted
Lt Colonel Dania
Mobile Infantry Press Officer

The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." -John Stuart Mill