why we should increase the minnimum wage!

Day 2,531, 15:21 Published in USA USA by ComputerSpeaker

assumption america will always maintain 60% or greater house bonuses.

alright. so increasing the minimum wage how will this help america?

it will force all those who commune to stop avoiding taxes!
we raised the tax rate to increase the reserve amount so it seems logical that every american should pay their fair share of taxes if they benefited from the excessive governmental spending.
with a market wage of 45 and average wage of 27. 27/45=.60 about 40% of the work days used in america are done tax free! raising minimum wage to 40 will almost double the tax income! so we could also lower the work tax if we start to make too much money. ok more complex. waming is taxed based on the average wage so increasing the average wage will also increase taxes on those who wam.

it will improve production. people who work in communes or people who avoid taxes by working for one dollar. do not buy houses because they do not make enough for it to be worth it. 1 dollar a day 7 days =7 dollars house is 250 they lose 243. but if they made 45 a day 7 days a week. 315 usd a week house being 250 they make 65. it is equivalent to them working an extra day each week. that is an 11% increase in production!

so see increasing minimum will result in people not being able to avoid taxes. which makes taxes more equal. and helps improve overall american production. so we will there for be able to lower the tax rate and improve america's production which will improves its damage.

we should raise the minimum wage