Why Vote at All?

Day 2,418, 22:28 Published in USA USA by Derphoof

Something terrible has happened.

An upstanding member of our community has tarnished the integrity of our government by offering tanks in exchange for early votes.

Personally, I believe this to be an abhorrent act to bring to the campaign that would set disastrous precedent for our political system. After all, my time in the Feds taught me that we need to uphold the integrity of our American government. Last month, people considered the direct funding of the USAF to be an indirect bribe, as well as a generally bad idea. I have no idea why he would think this would go over any better.

To counter this, Pfeiffer has decided to offer 10 tanks + 1g for anyone who votes for his opponent, DMJ. He generally summed up how Largo’s idea was ridiculously bad and wanted him to have to pay a lot more for those votes or risk losing them, due to his own offer.

Those offers reward you for being a generally bad citizen who would sell their vote or being an opportunist who would take the money while voting for whomever they were going to vote for, regardless of the offers.

However, I have a new offer. This offer will reward you for being an absolutely shitty citizen.

I’ll give you a whopping 5 tanks for not voting at all.

You can all pick up your jaws now

That’s right! You can get paid for doing absolutely nothing! Just take a full screenshot of your home page within the last hour of election day (making sure the vote button is visible) and comment in this article. After all, by not voting and collecting cash for doing so, you become the one of the worst players in the country! Congrats!

Voting is one of the most, if not the most important thing a player can do in this game. It shows the will of the people, makes the government more representative of the public opinion, and it gives us all an idea of how many truly active citizens we have. Besides fighting and working, it is one of the few activities every person can do in this game, and it only takes two clicks.

By not doing this simple task, you are a shit-tier citizen.

So come on guys, be an informed citizen and go vote. Read the media, voice your opinion, and go vote!