Why Gravity Falls is the best show ever

Day 2,950, 02:56 Published in Canada Albania by Abhijeet Kochhar

This show started last year, and at first I completely discarded it thinking it to be like all the other shit cartoons they come up with these days, But as destiny would have it, I would read a link about the crazy clues scattered in every episode and how this is based on the imagination of the creator and her twin sister when they went for a small vacation. Since that day i've been hooked to this. This is literally the best tv show for all us 90's kids who love cartoons but never really found any good ones after 2000s.

To add to this they have encrypted messages and shit all over the place , if you're into that kinda of thing- Episodes 1-6 use the Caesar cipher, episodes 7-13 use the Atbash cipher, episodes 14-19 use the A1Z26 cipher, episode 20 and 31 uses a combined cipher (a combination of the A1Z26, Atbash, and Caeser ciphers), episodes 21-30 use the keyed Vigenère cipher. Cool as shit no?

After the second episode I fell madly in love with Mabel #nopedo, WHO IS THE COOLEST KID EVER. SHE BE SMART, CHARMING, DONT BE GIVING A F*CK ABOUT ANYTHING, JUST CHILLING ALL DAY ERRYDAY. THE MOST GANGSTA ASS KID IN TOWN, and her brother Dipper.. who's kinda of a geek but loving in his own way. But damn son you won't believe these sweaters worn by Mabel

Like dang son, I bet none of you were ever as cool when you were a kid. And to top it off these sweaters arent part of the imagination.. The creator's sister actually did wear them

So yea , i just wanted to share something that makes my day each time i watch an episode :3
Sadly this show is ending :'( .