When Will eAustralia Take a Risk?

Day 2,202, 18:48 Published in Australia Australia by Mr Crumpets

Good Afternoon eAustralia,

We are soon about to face an invasion from eChile and most likely eIndonesia.

In any other country there would be heaps of articles, a call to arms, and even a baiting of the opposition... but not here in eAustralia.

Why, as a newbie you might? Because as a nation we are conditioned to expect it and automatically go into back foot mode.

The inevitable invasion comes, we get wiped and then spend weeks figuring out how to RW our way out of it, or look for a NAP deal.

It's something that's happened to us countless amounts of times over the last 5 years.

A definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.

I read that some are hopeful we will get a babyboom out of the invasion... that same hope has been found to be false EVERY SINGLE TIME.

Of all my 5 years of playing this game (on and off many times), the only time we got a babyboom was WHEN WE TOOK A RISK.

This was around November 2009 - Early 2010.

The liberation of WA by Australian and EDEN forces saw an end of an 18 month occupation. Soon after we were attacked by eBrazil, and after a week or so of invasion, we booted them from our land.

Now, instead of the usual conservative play we seen over the last 4 years, we did something bold... we chased Brazil into South Africa and attacked them.

It was the first time eAustralia had tried anything like that. It was going so well, it dragged eArgentina into the fight and we had some ripping battles.

During this time, eAustralia was at it's most active in the way of players, parties and newspaper articles. There was plenty to do and heaps to talk about.

The only thing that brought it all undone was admin taking their eye off the ball. The 'bugged battle of WA', which wrongly gave the win to eIndonesia, which was followed by the multies attack on our country, while admin was introducing eRepublik version 2 simply killed the spirit and activity. A lot of players quit the game and all our good work was brought undone.

As mentioned at the top of the article, there is nothing inspiring eAustralians to write articles, get involved and pick up that eGun.

We are playing this conservative approach to what... protect out budget... to save money to defend against our next butt whipping... or after we saving $$$ for the butt whipping after that one?

FOR FIVE YEARS I've seen us play the same approach. Look at it from the eyes of our enemy... we're an easy target, not just because of our low numbers, but because we do the same old tactics over again and again and again.


When the mention of an Airstrike came up in senate, I thought as an eAustralia, "Boy, that sounds like FUN"




Ask yourself... when was the last time you saw something in this game that made you think, WOW, this looks like FUN!

I think for too many who have played this game, they have taken it a bit too seriously and forgotten the most basic thing of all... WE ARE PLAYING A GAME.

That's why our babyboom's fail... we are conservative and give a negative response to most new ideas... that kills any interest of new players.

Other countries succeed not just on number, but they take a RISK, because they know the game is meant to be FUN!

So to those senators who talked down the Airstrike proposal...

"Who cares if it fails, let's learn what we can do with this and have some FUN!".

*Reminding everyone that we are playing a game and games are meant to be fun*