What happened to my party?

Day 2,169, 13:01 Published in United Kingdom Republic of China (Taiwan) by Aultman

New Era used to be all about the eUk. All about upping our combat damage, our economy, our international reclaim and citizenship. Then after three or four of our members became flamer food (mainly by their own actions. I mean come on and own up to yourselves for gods sake) they fled to our enemy taking with them some of our most important members. They left congress in the middle of their term. They abandoned the eUk at the behest of a leadership that showed no willingness to compromise with anyone but themselves who were themselves losing control of the party itself. Yes I know the previous statement is convoluted but I have faith in you to figure out what I mean. All of this talk means one thing.

I am running for Party President of New Era.

Why vote for me?
Vote for me if you would see our party in the hands of a G D patriot. Someone who has done everything in this game to further the needs of our great country.

Now please excuse me while I get highly intoxicated. Going to eat like an American and drink like nothing really matters anymore.