We need a hero!!

Day 1,348, 22:03 Published in USA USA by Talio Extremist
First some cheesy inspirational music for this article
Now that I have your attention...back to my commentary

As of late I have been disappointed overall with the lack of real leaders that have the larger than life aura around them. Maybe it is just me and the fact I am just waiting for the admins to squeeze the last bit of fun out of the game with another change. Or maybe I am personally getting tired of all these land swaps with Serbs, Hungarians, and the double Spaniards. Or just getting too nostalgic playing the game.

Whichever it may be, it seems that as of late no-one with a semblance of power either in the military or in the government regime is looking out for anyone but themselves. imo..We have plenty of egos but no one to motivate the masses and make this game fun again.

As I stated earlier, maybe I am just being cynical or pessimistic. But if you do or do not agree please post who was your greatest hero from eRepublik past.