Day 3,107, 11:03 Published in Germany Germany by OttoderVolksstimme

I was looking at the map and wondering...ummm why is there so much white on the map. Most of Africa is white so is: middle Asia, middle and southrn Arab penslia,Monglioa,westrn Papa newgunia,Nepal,Bangladish, Southeastrn Asia,Sri Lanka, western caucas,Greenland,Iceland,northern South America, Middle America(the contanent)., And luxenburg. It is not that they can say because of low pop in real or fake world. Expanding the map to all lands will allow for contris to expand larger and can appeal to a lager amount of pepole world wide. Like come on Luxembourg just white......RIGHT there in the middle of the map. Please vote this article to surpport me, i well present this to the big pepole.

til next time auf Wiedersehen