VOTE GloveisLove - The President America Needs!

Day 1,718, 22:32 Published in USA USA by Ronald Gipper Reagan

My Fellow eAmericans,

On Sunday, August 5th, our country faces an extremely important Presidential Election. Last month Glove came within just a few percentage points of victory. This month, he can win and bring the change and reform that our country desperately needs, but he needs YOUR help! We face a stark and bold choice in this election. The question is whether we want Evry: Part 2, which is what the USWP/Pfeiffer backed candidate Civil Anarchy offers, or if we want a leader who will restore the faith of America’s citizens in its government, and the confidence of our friends and allies around the world. Our country teeters at the brink of disaster. We MUST elect Glove in order to save our country. Make the right choice. Elect Glove.

I also want to say that we don’t mean any disrespect to Haliman, and he is an honorable American with good intentions, but it was a party decision, and the consensus seemed to be that Glove stood the best chance of taking down Civil Anarchy. It is unfortunate that he felt the need to drop out, but I hope that his supporters will rally behind the only viable opposition now on the ballot. We have to put an end to the terrible policies that are destroying our country both domestically as well as our reputation and stature abroad. Let me show you a side by side so you can see the two men who you will be choosing between. These are actual pictures of the candidates and you can make the determination on who you think looks more Presidential.

Glove offers a comprehensive platform and he will fill his cabinet with all sorts of competent people, and not just the same recycled elites who just sit in the same chairs month after month. He promises to be a President that will do something absolutely revolutionary in eRepublik politics, represent YOU the citizen. He will keep our country strong and united, while his opponent, handpicked by self-proclaimed Dictator Henry “Pfeiffer” Arundel, vows to destroy all opposition to the failed policies that currently are being pressed in our Administration. These same policies were rejected by a majority of Congressmen in recent impeachment attempts. We need a President who is going to say YES to America and NO to more poor leadership, and bullying from those who think they have a right to subvert the will of the American people and set us on a course for destruction. We need YOU to help us fight for America!

This election is about making the right decision for our country You will surely be bombarded with a ton of propaganda from the other side, but do not fall for this deceit. It is time that our country come together. Remember, this nation represents so much to so many people, even in the eWorld, but freedom isn’t free, and it takes courageous Patriots who are willing to stand up and do what is right for our country.

Vote GloveisLove for President of the United States of America.