Vote for Vision!

Day 428, 20:40 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

Fellow eCanadians and eAlbertans in particular, it is with great humility that I seek your support today in my attempt at Congress.

Although still young in time served by the standards of our current leaders, I hope that I have made a positive impression and have contributed in a constructive way to the benefit of our nation. It is my hope that I can count on your vote so that words can become actions and I can take a seat in a more active Congress.

What would you get by electing Alias Vision to Congress?

First and foremost, a dedicated citizen. One who is concerned with fairness and the rule of law (be it eCanadian or eRepublikan). You will get a member who is concerned with the experiences of our youngest citizens and the integration of newcomers to eCanada.

As a member of Congress I believe it will be my role to ask questions of our government and other elected officials so that we, the silent majority, can maximize our experiences in this challenging nation. Lend me your vote and I will lend you my voice.

Those of you that frequent the eCanadian forums have already seen my efforts to create a Crown Corporation for the greater benefit of all. I will continue with my efforts to see this organization created and be successful. I also hope to develop a plan that would see eCanada adopt truly groundbreaking health (wellness) reform. It is time we diverted some of our ressources to the greater good.

Lastly, my voice is not that of a revolutionary. I hope to strike a cooperative tone and make Congress more relevant to all eCitizens. I think our government has been on the right track lately and I believe that all good things come in time, that we sometimes have to be patient to see the true rewards of our actions.

Thank you all my fellow eCanadians and remember... come the 25th, vote for Vision!