Unofficial Media

Day 2,949, 02:53 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

Issue #105

I've served my fist day as chairman. It was a wild ride, I met a lot of people, I wrote an article every day and the amount of messages is unbelievable.

I was trying to catch a ride to work.

You might think that I'm ready to take the day off, but this was the busiest day, yet. There were two announcements, a piece for the SFPOM, the call for congress was started, a mass attack was coordinated, two members joined the Writer's Guild and another survey was made.

Wow! How did that picture get in there?

War Council:
Some people were going to other MUs, for the tournament, because we weren't able to complete the objectives. That's perfectly understandable, but we should increase our effectiveness, so that isn't necessary. I have gathered many of our military minds so I can seek their advice and cooperation.

They aren't dolls. They are action figures.

Freedom Writer's:
For the last couple of years, I've been starting the guild discussions. When I went on vacation, the thread was neglected, so I fear that nobody will recognize it's utility and it will fall out of practice. I hope to pass the torch to someone that has as much love for the concept as I. I nominate J.A.Lake.

Congress Call:
Socialist Freedom Party has opened it's call to congress. If you want to be a member of congress, you will have to take part in the parties primaries. The ballot ranks congress members from highest to lowest and this is how your rank is determined.
The primary is open to people that aren't in a top #5 party. I'll message party presidents, but I can't guarantee the congressional seats.
The congress call is here.

I've got to write some letters, now. Thanks to the SFP and thanks for reading.

Grab a pen and paper. Help us write the people's history!