United we stand

Day 619, 19:27 Published in Russia Ireland by EmFaMe

John F Kennedy once said "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any Fiend, oppose any foe, to assure the survival and success of liberty". Reading this remarkable statement about this great nation of ours me beam with pride. For our forefathers knew that one day out patients and resolve would come under attack and our our abdominal will tested.

Brothers and sisters, we are under attack from the most formidable force known to man. They have uprooted hard working American citizens from their land they have fought so hard to obtain. This invader is unlike any our great country has ever faced before. Our spirit has been tested to the farthest reaches of our soul. They have raped and pillaged our land land like barbarians sweep village to village without regard for our sovereignty.

Our President wishes us to lay down our weapons and great these trespassers with open arms. He wants peace with these foreign invaders, in hopes that they will not continue the horrible travesties they have committed. Is this the legacy that you want your children to be left with? Do you want them to go to school each morning and pledge allegiance to a foreign flag?

We have fought oh so hard to obtain our Independence, the men that lay dead within this countries soil roll over in their graves with dispair. The sacrifice has lead us to be the greatest beacon of hope within this world we inhabit. We are a country of freedom. Freedom of speech, religion, politics, and social standings. we exercise these rights on a daily basis but if we let these crude invaders into our homeland we might as well say good bye to our God given right to life. And if we fall now so will the rest of the world and there will be no one to carry on.

I say now more than ever brothers and sisters that we stand together and expel these mongrels from our homeland. Not simply because they have insulted our very existence but because they do not even deserve to breath our crisp air. Fight together, no matter what differences separate you, we are no longer categorized into parties we are Americans. We are united under a single resolute banner... FREEDOM

Stand with me now brothers and sisters. As we show enemies and weak leadership that we shall never bow down to their oppressive tactics. We shall never wash our hands of their blood. We shall never question our right to say no more to tyranny and unresolved hate.




We shall fight until they have been expelled from every inch of our soil.