Types of Eaters

Day 2,689, 22:26 Published in Australia Australia by LostMeMarbles

Hello and welcome to sixth edition of the Daily Skittle
I am so happy. Easter is coming up and I love to eat chocolate,so in celebration of Easter I thought I would tell you some of the types of eaters out there.

#1 The Monster
Now this person loves every kind of food and will almost always eat extremely fast and messily like a monster and for most male Monsters they will burp...Very loud. And it is sometimes the case with female monsters.
#2 The Posh
Have you ever had a friend over for dinner and like your having pizza and having fun? Well this person the complete opposite, they are proper. They sit up straight and always use utensils and are so polite. And it annoys the crap out of us. Like what are you afraid of? Having fun, being normal. But hey, I don't judge
#3 The Slouch
Now this person is usually male. They eat foods like pizza a lot and regularly invite their friends over for beer. They are the average 21 - 30 year old guy in retrospect.
QOD (question of the day)
Are you a monster? A Posh or A slouch?
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Thats all from me, see u skittles l8r