Truth about Gabrielz Horn and I:

Day 3,273, 13:10 Published in USA USA by Jimmy Cincinnati

I published an article for WHPR and one of the people mentioned wasn't happy. He spent the rest of that day talking smack.
Well, I tried to appease him and I thought it had blown over. Later that day, he starts chanting PTO the SFP and he was joined be two non eUS citizens.

Well, I meant no disrespect to him. But, I think it's time he learned what an assassination article looks like. They have no place in the WHPR.

Gabrielz_Horn is his name. I want to tell you what I didn't publish, before he made it personal:

Last Wednesday at 1:41 PM
~Jimmy Cincinnati~
I'm working on WHPR
I was hoping to get a segment from everyone on the cabinet.

well hmm im afraid i may not have much material for you...

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Just describe the job and stuff.

i cam in and less than half way through the term the main guy that was supposed to train me stepped down to go work with korea.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Who was that?
That's crazy.
I can relate.

he is a good friend Comet academy he said he would continue the paper but has not been able to do it because he has been swamped in RL
i did not know this.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Well, you never know

till like yesterday

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
That's all info that would make an article.

i like it though our teem has been great we got all the broken programs fixed and up and running so i will count it as a win

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Can I publish this?
I'll edit and show you
before I publish.
It's better than nothing

that and my team is not even asking for reimbursement so we have been running under budget.
meaning i will have quite a bit to pass on

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Where can I donate?

Wednesday at 8:49 PM

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
DoCA: (Gabrielz_Horn)

I came in and less than half way through the term the main guy that was supposed to train me stepped down to go work with korea.

Comet academy he said he would continue the paper but has not been able to do it because he has been swamped in RL
I did not know this.

I try and keep up. I usually play from 6am to 2-3 pm
Plus I have to do daily mail and junk.
Latest from the DoCA:
Published in USA on the 2nd of November 2016. 9 comments. Page 1 of 1. Long time no see. Today, we are going to focus on another important feature of this...

Does that work?
I just cut away the small talk.

sorry this will
DoCA Pack intro!

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Should I use this in WHPR?
I need a statement.

what do you mean dose that work?
sorry please re ask me the question i dont see one on the page

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
I told you I would show you the draft.

ok where?

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
I came in and less than half way through the term the main guy that was supposed to train me stepped down to go work with korea.

Comet academy he said he would continue the paper but has not been able to do it because he has been swamped in RL
I did not know this.

I try and keep up. I usually play from 6am to 2-3 pm
Plus I have to do daily mail and junk.
Latest from the DoCA:

yeah lets see it
ohh umm that is comets article.

~Jimmy Cincinnati~

Thursday at 11:24 PM
MR asked me to make a change to the statement you made.
I t's just a little wording.

DoCA: (Gabrielz_Horn) Due to Real Life cercimstances DoCA hasn't be running at full strength. I came in and less than half way through the term. I try and keep up. I usually play from 6am to 2-3 pm Plus I have to do daily mail and junk. Latest DoCA Paper

She said it was more positive.

dude you quoted me verbatim thats crazy...
i cant get to that it says 404

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
I asked first.
I' m asking agian.
It hasn't been published.

i can not get to it so i cant say anything about it

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Hold on
I'll type it.

DoCA: (Gabrielz_Horn) Due to Real Life cercimstances DoCA hasn't be running at full strength. I came in and less than half way through the term. I try and keep up. I usually play from 6am to 2-3 pm Plus I have to do daily mail and junk.
the other part is a link to DoCA

ok i never said Due to Real Life cercimstances DoCA hasn't be running at full strength

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
Melissa said to do it
Talk to her.
I'm sorry.

$#^& !@$^ )#$@ #$%^ but id prefer you not write about that...
i dont know about MR but i feel i did a good job for my first term
and you are actually gona mention i do daily mail and junk like everybody that is news?
is this a hit piece or something?
lol were you interviewing me or MR?

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
You can write what you want.
I asked for a statement and you didn't have any.
I needed one.

well write something good like... i had overwhelming odds as my first term in DoCA and my mentor went to accomplish great deeds by unifying eusa and ekorea leaving me in charge but in the shuffle of me trying to keep up the department media fell to the wayside

i dont want to paint comet in a bad lite for leaving but he got busy and media did not go through and i did not have access to the DoCA paper.. that is why i did not write anything and i thaught he was doing it,,,

~Jimmy Cincinnati~
I wasn't either.
I just needed an article.

I couldn't publish that, because it was false. Gabriel has been sitting on his hands and he was trying to find a scapegoat.
I was trying to be nice.