Day 2,018, 15:39 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Trogdorthetroll100

Dear Switzerlan😛

We have been in dark places before. PTOers, being wiped, wars, and internal conflict. Switzerland has seen some great changes, from (recently) neutrality to ONE to CoT. However, we have always survived, held on to what we could and rode out through the storm. We come back from these dark times, however, with the visions of a leader. Now, I am your leader. Who pushed for congress when no one else thought we could win and take back our country? Me. Who stayed in the country to fight Cronoss for half a year without ever backing down? Me. Who worked his way up through the government, kept it running through a PTO CP, always did what would be better for his country, not for his own interests? Me. You see Switzerland, in times of crisis, I have carried you through before, not alone, but together. With your help, we were able to keep regions for months after being wiped for ages. With your help, we have turned the country of 10 active people to a country of many active players, low leveled and high leveled alike. Switzerland is back on the map, and it is all because of new activity. Unfortunately, we recently lost the benefits of regions again, and thus congress has been reduced to nothing. I vow to do my best to return regions to Switzerland. Using a mix of diplomacy and warfare, we should be able to get back the land we deserve from the Slovenian oppressors. Switzerland deserves better.

My record


Swiss Minister of Foreign Affairs

Commander of the Swiss National Army


Many times Minister of Foreign Affairs

Party president of the AIM (now TSR)

vice- MoFa

Director of Embassies

Minister of Information

Vice Minister of Finance

A quote from an old Swiss president

“Sometimes I look in the mirror and think, ‘I wish I was Trogdor’.

Actually, everytime I look in the mirror I think that.” -Penguin4512

Why you should vote for me?
I am a trusted, hardworking, experienced civil servant with your best interests in mind. I work behind the scenes, and in the limelight. This month, I have established MPPs with multiple CoT countries, in order to improve our chances of winning a fight against a strong, tightly knit enemy. I am willing to negotiate, I always ask for advice and help from my ministers, and I don't make rash judgements or act out of anger.

I encourage anyone willing to get involved to shoot me a PM to apply for a position in the government. I will personally look over all applications and form the best team I can. This is going to be a great month, Switzerland!

Your faithful servant,


Remember to send votes to Plasmakp!