Training grounds upgrade - help each other

Day 2,095, 10:02 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by BickUA


As we all see now - there's usual discount on training grounds upgrade and it's the only time when it makes sense to upgrade them.

I see lots of shouts in eUkraine (my RL country) and a bit less in eIreland with gold requests for this upgrade 🙂

I think lots of us could help each other and borrow some amount of gold to people whom we know or at least see regularly fighting for Ireland.

So if you need some gold to upgrade your training grounds - you can leave your request here in comments and I hope that somebody would help you with some amount of gold without any interest, percents etc. At least I'd like to help somebody 🙂

There's great calculator to understand what this upgrades will give you. Open it, look at results and upgrade training grounds!

P.S.: It's my first "article" so sorry if anything is wrong 🙂