Today's Feature Citizen - Iwarrior1

Day 566, 20:46 Published in Australia Canada by Homer J Simpson

Today's feature citizen is current ANP Party President, Iwarrior1

- How long have you been on eRep?
I have been on Erep since the end of August 2008, about 10 months.

- What countries have you lived in?
I have lived in the eUnited States, eIndonesia (before the first RW), and eAustralia.

- Did you come to eRep with any preconceived ideas or were you just trying something new?
When I came to Erep, I was just looking for a realistic game. I got what I wanted.

- Have you had any political activity e.g. served as senetor, party president etc.?
I have served politically for two terms as a senator, and I am finishing my second term as Party President of the ANP.

- What party do you currently belong to?

- What do you hope to achieve in eRep? e.g President, Media Mogul, successful business
I hope to run a successful business and make a ton of money, and serve my native country as best as I can, which may entail any kind of political or military service.

- Where do you see eAustralia in the future?
In the future, I see Australia as a more powerful country(with all its regions back as well).

- In RL what sport do you follow and what is your favourite team?
In RL, I live in the US, so I don't have access to Rugby or Cricket. I do, however, follow basketball and swimming.

- In RL what industry do you work in and does this influence your decision making on eRep?
In RL I am a student.

Many thanks to Iwarrior1. Tomorrow we hear from Ezekiel Thomas