Day 645, 10:52 Published in Greece Greece by Haralambos

First I would like to congratulate you on winning the elections. I look forward to working with you, both as a fellow congress man and as Minister of Economics (finance, etc...). I hope we can work well together and continue to strengthen our nation.

There are a few things we should all know:

1) We donate our 5 gold earned from the congress medal to the Hellenic Depository.
2) Donations from the country accounts go only to the Hellenic Depository. This is our national bank.
3) All proposals should be debated on the forum prior to being proposed. We have 80 proposals among us and should try not to waste any of them. Everyone should be registered on the forum and should be able to post in the Congress section.
4) If you will resign from congress please speak with me or the president. We may need you to use a proposal before doing so.

This is all I can think of for now but I'm sure there are more things to list. 🙂

Now that we got that out of the way, lets get down to business.

- A week or two ago the congress was asked to hold off on accepting citizenships. We shouldn't accept citizenships today either. I want to start a thread in the congress section about the best course of action regarding citizenship. We need to vote on certain guidelines for accepting citizens and follow the rules which we agree on.

- Citizenship fee. The current fee is 10 GRD. In terms of gold that is 0.24 gold. We have many people join the game but very few staying active. Alot of that is lost. We need to adjust this down and offer something to compensate the new players who stay.

- Taxes. Taxes need to be adjusted and have already started from the last congress. Lowering the VAT on gifts is currently being voted on. This should have been debated first. It can result in a waste of a proposal because it wasn't fully thought out (or argued about to find the solution).

The Ministry of Economics should always be included on discussions concerning government finances.

This is all for now. I'm sure all of you have ideas and I want to hear them. The forum is the best place for it.