Time waits for no one

Day 1,271, 01:33 Published in South Africa South Africa by Nickerball

To eSA and all my friends in eRepublik.
It is time for me to say my final goodbyes to the game and to all of you.

My reason for leaving, is personal, and not something I’d like to discuss. There are a few people who know why I’ve made this decision.

There are so many I would have loved to say goodbye to personally, but that would just keep me here longer. If I have to name a few, it would be unfair to the rest not mentioned. I have made some good friends while playing the game, and I will miss all of you. I want to mention Dignity Brigade as you guys have really made me feel special. Thank you.

Together with eSAHC, all my game assets will go to eSA’s CP, Grimstone, who will decide what to do with everything. Not that there is much.

I will still pop in on IRC now and then to say hello.

I greet you today with sadness, and I will miss you all, some maybe more than others