Time to move on.

Day 2,749, 06:54 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Canada wishes for me to move on and that's quite apparent at this time so I'll take my method of gameplay and entertainment elsewhere.

To make it official I've resigned from congress, placed 250k cc worth of CO's for Japan vs RoC to empty the coffers of Cordis Die that was placed there by myself.

I've already named another in charge of the MU so its to late to take back the placed CO's. Insaneskillz isn't active enough to save that cash. Even if he is i'll send him a last pm to let it ride.

I'll actively be looking for other citizenship shortly so there won't be a coupe by myself as all my warfunds have been either paid back or liquidated.

Clean Slate

100k cc has been sent to klop to pay the rest of my debt to the govt.

Now maybe eCanada will be safe from my terror.

I guess only time will tell if I was a big part of the community.

Long live the HOBO!!!

Wasn't like I was getting my media mogul here anyway l lmao!!!

I'm big in Japan?