
Day 1,612, 21:05 Published in Sweden Australia by Septimius Maximinus

Theoism is a political philosophy based on the teachings of Comrade Theolor, and Marxist-lenist beliefs. The healthcare is universal and free for every persons, unemployment is a thing of the past, houses are provided free of charge, everybody is treated equal no matter what the race, gender, or disability is. Elections for president and congress go every 4 years or determined by the government, the only party is the Communist party which will have several Candidates. Religion is allowed to be worshiped as pleased any Religion is accepted, any language is accepted. People can own their own shops but have to abide by government regulations that is to limit corruption, unfair and harsh working conditions, and spread equality. The government will nationalize Bigger business like mining and gun making, things of this nature. Media is in the hands of the people. This is just the basics.