The Taking Of Saarland!

Day 781, 20:16 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian National Defense

On Day 781 Phoenix suffered and Epic Fail! The Fall of Saarland is, strategically speaking, one of the most alarming losses for Phoenix to date and the CAF can proudly hold its head up for our role in delivering such a death blow.

On the heels of Phoenix propaganda over the Hellokitty battle, Phoenix now finds itself in a very uncomfortable position in Western Europe. In fact, thanks to the efforts of the CAF, Phoenix now finds its Western European position completely surrounded by enemy forces. It is now only a matter of time before another death blow is dealt and we deftly send Phoenix back to the ashes of Peace from whence it came.

As CAF members gathered in IRC once again, the sting and bitter taste of Hellokitty still clinging, the soldier of the CAF were salty and ready to eat their own guts and ask for seconds! The time was now and there was carnage to be done. Spirits were high as weapons were deftly distributed. The desire to move out and hit the wall was palpable in the non-stop shouts of anxiousness. It was all the leadership could do to keep the rank and file in line and holding on.

Suddenly, the order came and CAF Tanks and Elites rolled in. The death knell of Germany had been sounded and the wall began to crumble. With stealthy and deadly precision the hits after another.

With T5 on the minds of CAF members in IRC, the call came as the clock struck 5 mins. All the pent up rage and hostility over the taunts from Phoenix over Hellokitty were taken out on the German wall. Blow after blow was struck and within minutes the wall was almost completely down. The members waited anxiously for the order to Kami. With T1 showing on the clock the anticipated orders to Kami were delivered and the CAF membership laid a hard and ruthless spanking on the German wall plunging it firmly into the Secure zone.

Phoenix tanks tried to defend but it was not to be. The Eden forces featuring the CAF were to rule the night...and rule it we did! As the wall tumbled further into security all Phoenix and their allies could do was watch and tremble in terror as their hold in Western Europe crumbled beneath their feet. The balance of power had firmly shifted and Phoenix knew it.

As the members returned to IRC, shouts of joy and excitement could be heard. Phoenix had awoken a sleeping giant with their brash and cocky remarks about Hellokitty and now they were feeling the full court press of the Canadian Military! Justice was being served!

As we sit here now, we can only imagine what the Netherlands and United Kingdom must be thinking. The door is not being is being kicked down and it is only a matter of time before the United Kingdom feels the wrath of Eden at full force.

Indeed, members of the CAF, We WILL bear witness and play a role in the most amazing shock and awe that eRep has ever seen. Tonight we served notice that we can take down an 11 member alliance without activating a single MPP.

Netherlands and United Kingdom be afraid...the CAF is coming for YOU and that noise you hear and the trembling you feel is the mighty sound of our guns firing in your backyard.

Hail CAF
Hail Eden

Our destiny awaits!

Pte. Acacia Mason
CAF War Correspondent
45th Flying Hellfish Platoon