The Impudence of eCanadians

Day 1,946, 16:51 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest

----Original Article----

Disappointed. I am disappointed with eCanada. News broke yesterday that Portugal had signed an "Iberian Pact" with theirs and our occupier Spain. After six months of near perpetual occupation and a struggle going back far longer than that, Portugal finally accepted peace with Spain.

Here in Canada there has been no end of players wanting to give grief to Portugal, including our own president. Grief that is in every way unwarranted, "why didn't they just fight on for eternity??" Because it is futile. Completely and utterly futile, something that the Portuguese recognized far too late.

I agree with critics in some regard about how Portugal essentially resigned its future diplomacy to Spain, forcing them now to align with TWO, but as far as I can see, most of the anger directed towards Portugal is due to the fact they made peace with Spain and the fact they signed a deal.

The prevailing theory in Canada nowadays is that we should fight Spain forever, because eventually, they will grow bored of us and we'll win a region back, or our new super powerful alliance (lol) will swoop in and save us. The last time we won Quebec, I gave the RW my all, spent my bazookas, EBs, WMDs, and we all put in a ton of effort and managed to secure ourselves Quebec. "Hurrah!" we all cheered, and we jeered at the Spanish offering us terms of surrender from before then. But then what happened of that? We were NE'd and wiped the very next day

It costs Spain NOTHING to occupy and control us. It cost me (and many of you) everything we had saved for months to see Quebec free, and it cost Spain nothing, their populace is so large they need only bring their pinky finger down on us and we are crushed.

We have no right to criticize Portugal for doing the inevitable, even if we don't agree with the terms of the treaty, it is wrong for us to turn our backs to them and insult them for doing what they had to do. I encourage eCanada to wake up before it is too late, I saw in a comment by a Portuguese player earlier today I will quote:

"What you must do is make a fair deal while you still have leverage, and don't let your nation become bankrupt before the negotiations."

As much as you might not like the terms they signed, it stands as a warning to us to start forming a contingency plan, to start thinking about our own future if we can't win against Spain. Realizing it now rather than later will keep us from becoming slaves.

The main argument I see of why we should keep fighting is that we need to keep our "pride" and "honor" and also that being wiped is actually fun since we have plenty of battles of our own to fight for RW medals and TP. This is wrong on so many levels. For one, being wiped is not fun, it is an annoying hindrance. Secondly, how selfish could we be that we demand we have our own true patriots medals to the detriment of others. I thought we were entering into a new era of eCanadian foreign policy and image on the world stage with Asgard. How can we help our allies in Asgard if we are perpetually wiped? Staying wiped for TP is selfish and wrong, it shouldn't then be a surprise our international standing is garbage, who want's to ally with such a selfish country?

crisfire countered me by saying this war was started with the intentions of being a noble and selfless ally, by attacking the UK and helping Norway. Well how did that work out? Norway lost anyway, and our bumbling fool of a president Rylde spat in the face of Spain and they changed their goals from blocking us from bothering the UK to one of total occupation.

So eCanadians, think twice before you spit in the faces of our Portuguese friends, because just maybe you can find the real sellouts who would bring this country into the mud in the mirror. But it isn't too late, all can still be changed and all can still be made right.

Maybe I am wrong, in that case, I would like to be wrong, because it means we will get our country back soon and unharmed, but the real question is

What if I'm right?
