The Guardian - January 7

Day 1,144, 09:02 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian National Defense

The Canadian Armed Forces PR Team:
Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Coda
Chief PR Officer Lt. Roger Griswald
Writer Lt-Gen. Chucky Norris
Writer Lt. Mansbridge09
Writer Sgt. AngryCanadian
Writer Pvt. George Beeman

AngryCanadian: Please state your rank and name for the records.
Kronos_Q: My name is Kronos Q.
Kronos_Q: My rank is a monkey.

AngryCanadian: What first Brought you to eRepublik?
Kronos_Q: Oh, was this suppose to be a serious interview?
Kronos_Q: I've been an online time-waster for many years now. After quitting the last browser game I played, I found myself with a bunch of free time. So when I saw an ad for eRepublik, it interested me and I decided to fill up my free time with that.

AngryCanadian: What is your role in the CAF?
Kronos_Q: Of late, I am the Rangers Commander. In this position, I have been working to provide resources for all members of the Rangers, Cadets and Commanders alike, in hopes of bettering the Ranger experience. My role is to ensure the smooth operation of the Ranges, which equates to me making sure my minions are doing my bidding properly.

AngryCanadian: What is your opinion on the current state of the CAF?
Kronos_Q: The CAF is doing well, but not great. Things have been going smoothly and we've seen improvements across several fields (especially the Rangers *cough😉, but at the same time I've facepalmed at many things. As with everything, there is always room for improvement, and my opinion is that the CAF could benefit from re-examining itself from a different perspective.

AngryCanadian: What are some of your achievements in eRepublik?
Kronos_Q: In terms of game mechanics, I don't think I've done anything real superb. Outside of game mechanics is a whole different story. I have done many things and held many positions in many role-play venues, but I would say my biggest achievement(s) are the contributions I've made to helping new players. This is something I'm not done yet, but with things such as the Information Index, I hope to be nearing it's completion.

AngryCanadian: What first brought you to the CAF?
Kronos_Q: Simply sai😛 Free stuff. More than that though, I was looking to join the eCanada community a bit more.

AngryCanadian: What are your plans for the future?
Kronos_Q: Turbulent. I've had a set of plans for a little while, but they seem to be changing slowly. Something that hasn't changed though, is my desire to refocus my attention to few projects at once. I have been very busy at times, and that just isn't fun. I'm looking to move away from some of my current duties so that I can enjoy myself a little bit more.

AngryCanadian: any advice for new recruits?
Kronos_Q: As a new recruit, there are many people who are here to help you with whatever you need help with, but you're only going to get out what you put in. If you're sincere about joining the community and becoming a soldier, you'll have to put a little effort into it. That, and always ask question if you're unsure.

AngryCanadian: got any fun facts to share?
Kronos_Q: 1. I have never been in a division other than the Rangers.
Kronos_Q: 2. Kronos Q is not the first eRepublik account I created.
Kronos_Q: 🙂

AngryCanadian: feel free to give any shout-outs if you want.
Kronos_Q: Shoutout to KellyMahoney. To whom I still owe an interview ;__; Thanks for helping with spreading my new players articles around through your articles

Written by Sgt. AngryCanadian

The Canadian Armed Forces is currently looking for active eCanadians of all ages to fill our ranks to stop the Phoenix lunacy. You will begin in the Rangers as Cadets and learn from the best, most active and enthusiastic CAF members that we have. You will be trained in IRC use, battlefield mechanics, personal training methods, teamwork, CAF methods and the CAF Code of Conduct.

In the CAF you will be supplied with weapons to fight, moving tickets to get you to the theatre of action and food to heal battle wounds. Rise through the CAF ranks to command a platoon or a division, be your countries next battle hero and make your country proud of you as a member of the CAF.

Some of the qualities the CAF is looking for are

-Basic Understanding of Game Mechanics
-Reliable and Active
-Can work as part of a team
-Enjoys meeting new people and having fun

Some of the qualities that are needed or you will be trained for are

-Experience using the eCan forums (link provided below)
-Experience using IRC
-Basic understanding of Battle Mechanics
-Enjoy's Strategy

But most importantly we are looking for enthusiastic eCanadians ready to fight our countries enemies wherever they are. To apply you will need to sign up on the eCanada forums and request citizenship masking (access) here

Once you have citizen masking on the forums simply apply here