The CAF Are Recruiting!

Day 1,056, 08:41 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian National Defense

With all of the wars going on, the CAF are looking to recruit active and eager eCanadians who are willing to help their country in it's time of need.

The CAF are divided into 3 branches:

The Rangers

The Rangers is the CAF’s training branch. As a Ranger you will be trained on various CAF requirements like IRC, CAF fundamentals, the Code of Conduct, platoon responsibilities, and battle mechanics. After successfully graduating from the Rangers you will be assigned to a Regulars or Reservists platoon depending on your preference. You will be expected to interact within your platoon forum and respond within the allotted time frame to periodic roll calls.

The Regulars

The Regulars is the spearhead of the CAF, it is its mobile fighting force ready to respond to any battle that it is directed to. In the Regulars it is expected that you maintain a high level of readiness to move at a moments notice, expect to be deployed around the world regularly. You will be expected to interact in your platoon forum and respond within the allotted time frame to periodic roll calls.

The Reserves

The Reserves branch is for those that cannot be mobile due to such things as being a member of congress. However you are expected to fight any battles that Canada is directly involved in and defend Canada from attacks on our soil. As a reserve you will still be expected to interact in your reserve platoon and respond to regular roll calls. If your situation within eRepublik changes and you would like to transfer to or back to the Regulars inform your platoon Lieutenant and request a transfer.

Now that you know about the three branches, you may be asking yourself, "What does it take to be a member of the CAF?" Well, I have an answer for you!

- Have a basic understanding of in-game mechanics
- Reliable & Active
- Can work as part of a team
- Enjoy meeting new people

A huge bonus would be to have...

- Experience using forums
- Experience using IRC (HUGE Bonus)
- Basic understanding of battle mechanics
- Enjoys strategy

Now you're probably saying to yourself, "I have all of those qualities, but what's in it for me?"

Really, you should be just happy to serve your eCountry, but luckily for you, we'll sweeten the deal for ya!

You will be able to...

- Get free weapons
- Get free moving tickets
- Get free food
- Join a huge social network of other friendly soldiers
- Train and help develop as a player
- Get advancement opportunities
- Have tons of fun

I know you're saying, "Wow, I want to join... but how!?

If you would like to join the CAF, go to this link, and follow the on-screen instructions to follow your dream as a eCanadian hero:

Note: If you're not a member of the forums, sign up here;, and then, get your masking here;

If you have any questions about the CAF, the Rangers, the application process, or anything at all, feel free to PM us or any other CAF member.

We hope to see you all on the battlefield!