The Battle Of Hellokitty

Day 775, 12:01 Published in Canada Canada by Canadian National Defense

Last night, under the cloak of darkness, a large number of CAF members made their way onto IRC. The battle for Hellokitty was raging and the wall was still up. The time for action was now.

Slowly but surely the elites poured into IRC, Tanks came at the ready, and so to did the Regulars. Weapons were quickly dispatched with lethal efficiency as GoranThrax and General Ramizeth were kept very busy. The chatter in the room was at fever pitch. When should we move to China? How do we get there? When do we strike?

We were all bearing witness to one of the greatest battles in eRep history and every man and woman in the CAF wanted to be a piece of it...and so it began. EMC tanks rolled in and began their deadly assaults. eCanadian tanks rolled in and followed suit as our Elites came close behind and also began their attack. Shortly thereafter the order to move was given and suddenly, as if a dam had burst, a flood of CAF members made their way to China and threw everything they had against the Hun wall. Spirits soared as hit after deadly hit was made. The first wave completed, the order to Kami was given and once again we charged and gave everything we had. There was no holding fought down to wellness 40 and some going further. Wellness gifts were flying as the CAF members did everything they possibly could to squeeze one last hit, one more shot and one final deadly blast at the Hun wall...this was the stuff of heroes and nobody wanted to be missing from the action.

The unthinkable then happened...the wall held and as the counter hit zero and the last few hits rolled through, Hellokitty remained the property of Hungary. The mood on IRC went from being that of optimism to sombre and sobering reality. Eden and had failed in its efforts to win the big prize. The room fell silent as the results set in. A few members displayed their disgust with the result well others silently logged off...clearly feeling the effects of the emotional roller coaster.

Brothers and Sisters of the CAF, I am here today to tell you that this, despite what Hungary may think, was far from failure and surely not the EPIC FAIL that Hungarians and Phoenix will claim it to be. Those who were there witnessed a level of camaraderie and commitment that has never been seen before by this solider. The battle for Hellokitty was the stuff of heroes and dreams. Watching the truly big Eden and CAF guns hit was a spectacle to be seen. Yes, we lost the battle, but in doing so, we did send a clear message that Eden is coming and although we were stopped this time, we will not be so easily defeated in the future.

I look at Marius Coroleone who leveled up to Field Marshall. Try to tell me that he is not even deadlier now than he was before Hellokitty. He is not alone...many others gained valuable experience and surely leveled up. The CAF and Eden made massive gains in fighting this battle. Lest we forget that to even reach the point of assaulting Hellokitty was in itself, a testament to all we have accomplished. The Hun crown jewel was exposed to us and we sent a message to them that we will not be silenced. Our guns will sound louder and stronger than before and we will strike down upon Phoenix with a fury they have never witnessed before.

The loss of yesterday only served to strengthen my resolve to beat Phoenix and stoked my fires of allegiance to the CAF and its High Command as I am sure it did for you as well. Brothers and Sisters in the CAF, feel not shame as I have told you before, for in our greatest moment of weakness, shall come our greatest moment of strength.

Phoenix will fail and we WILL be victorious once again!!!

Pte. Acacia Mason
War Correspondent