the battle of Central Greece(edited on art:P)

Day 1,304, 05:59 Published in Greece Greece by kikooo

It was 2 years ago that the epic battle of Central Greece took place! At that point the raw matterials were not spread in each region, but only to a few well chosen spots giving an incredible advantage to those who conquered them! and that was the case with Central Greece, a region high in iron, the most valuable raw matterial of all!

The region had fell in Turkish hands for a long time and Greece couldn’t take it on its own.. Greece finaly liberated it with the help of the allies and especially Croatia, Romania and USA, giving Greece a valuable resourse that would also help the economy of the alliance! That was the battle that bonded us with our allies! That was the battle that made history for our country and lead to a long time of freedom and prosperity! That was the battle that everyone remembers as one of the most epic battles of the old world(v1)!

The video that shows that battle of v1
Don’t let the numbers fool you.. that was heavy tanking back then😛

Arno Breker's statue of Alexander the Great intended to be placed in Greece

Today after the total occupation, we give another battle in Central Greece! Raw matterials have changed but there is one thing in common-FREEDOM!

So, for old times sake, let us remember our brothers, old and new, let us remember the stuggle of our small nation to become free and independent, and let us shout:


Let this battle be one more time... E P I C !

the masterpiece Nike of Samothrace that isnpired so many victory statues around the world

on the other hand..

..that was then and this is now! and now we have one player,
a cheater that the admins confirmed as one but later released cause he pays too much money!!!.that is e-justice or in-justice, ladies and gentlemen!! the law of the money!!! and it is gonna stay like this for ever! time to quit this rotten game?? 😃 !!

Auf Wiedersehen?? nahhhh.. we re gonna fight this rotten sh*t!

This is the war that will never end...